1  Introduction

1.1 Welcome

Thank you for volunteering to be a mentor for the rOpenSci Champions Program.

We develop this guide to help you to navigate the logistics of the program and provide tools for your role as mentor.

As a living document we build together, we are always grateful for feedback, improvements and contributions.

1.2 Role Description

Mentors will play a vital role in the rOpenSci Champions Program by advising and inspiring their mentees. Mentors will also connect their mentees to people, programs, and organizations; recommend, resources, readings, training, and experiences; and provide feedback on the mentee’s project.

You will work with Champions to develop their project, which can be one of the following options:

  • Create a new package;

  • Go through the review process with an R package they have already developed;

  • Serve as a reviewer for the rOpenSci software peer review system.

Mentors may also support Champions with delivering other activities including: giving a talk, writing blog posts, and teaching other community members.

1.3 Timeline

The total time commitment is expected to be approximately 1-2 hours per month from November 2023 - November 2024 to complete the following tentative program timeline.

Date Event Detail Duration
October, 2023 Select Champions Review, rank and select 1-2 reviewed projects to mentor. 2 h
November 2023 Kick-off event Learn about the program, review the program expectations, and address questions. Meet mentees. 1.5 h
January - April 2024 Training How to mentor and logistics on the program. 2 h
March-July 2024 Meeting with mentee Provide feedback and guidance on mentee project. Connect with other experts, mentors or community members. Recommend training, resources for the mentee project. 1 meeting per month 0.5 h
May 2024 Cohort meeting [optional] Champions will present their project and get feedback. 1.5 h
August - November 2023 Meeting with mentee Provide feedback and guidance on mentee project. Connect with other experts, mentors or community members. Recommend training, resources for the mentee project. 1 meeting per month 0.5 h
July 2024 Cohort meeting [optional]: Reflections on projects Champions will be invited to share takeaways from their projects with the cohort. 1.5 h
September 2024 Cohort meeting [optional]: Reflections on events Champions will be invited to share takeaways from their events with the cohort. 1.5 h
October 2024 Cohort meeting: Reflections on program Mentors will be invited to share takeaways from the program and help to define future roles for Champions. 1.5 h
November 2024 End of term Close cohort and define new roles for Champions and Mentors. 1 h

2 Feedback

Contributions of all kinds are welcome, from suggestions for improvements to errata and new material. Please, contact the Community Manager with your ideas.