2  Mentors Tools

2.0.1 Infrastructure

We setup a series of tools to help you in your mentoring.

  • Google Drive: the drive contain:

    • A folder for each champion. You have access to your mentee folder only. This folder now has a document with your mentee application. In the future we will also upload videos or other material you mentee will generate as part of their work on the program. You can also use it to store and share resources with your mentee.

    • A common folder for mentors with:

      • The slides of the kick-off meeting.

      • The link to this book.

      • The slides of the mentor training.

      • The templates.

      • rOpenSci branding material.

  • Templates: we created templates for your meeting with your mentee. There are 3 different templates: one for the first meeting, one for the last meeting and one for the rest of the meeting. The templates google doc can be copied and modified.

  • Slack: we have three private channels for your communication with other mentors, with the champions and with the previews cohorts participants:

    • #mentors-2024: only mentors in this channel. You can ask questions, share resources, ask for advice from your peers. Yani is in this space to provide support and share information for mentors.

    • #champions-and-mentors-2024: a channel with all the participants. Yani and Maëlle are in this channel to provide support and share common information.

    • #champions-program: a channel with all the participants of the program. Yani and Maëlle are in this channel to provide support and share common information.

2.0.2 Tools for meetings

All our online meetings will use:

  • Video conferencing software

  • Collaborative notes

  • Scheduling Tools

  • Code of Conduct

The following list is an overview of the tools we’ll be using in our full-cohort session (training and meetings) along with alternatives you can use in your mentorship meetings. If you are used to using a tool that is not in this list, you can use it (and let us know which one it is, so we can add it to this list). Video Conferencing

For our Cohort Calls we will use Zoom. We will sent a calendar with the full schedule of the program and the zoom links and meeting share document to your email. You can add this calendar to your schedule.

For Mentorship Meetings, usually 1:1 call with your mentee, you are free to use any tool you both agree. Here are a list of services:

  • Zoom: you can also use your own Zoom rooms. The free account allow 40 minutes call for 1 to 1 meetings.

  • Slack: Slack allow calls between the member of the workspace. You can use this functionality on rOpenSci Slack.

  • Google Meet: if you’re using google calendar to schedule your mentorship calls, add a call is straightforward, click on the button ‘Add Google Meet video conferencing’.

  • Jitsi: an open source alternative. Integrates with Google Calendar and Slack.

  • Skype: works well for lower bandwidth areas.

  • WhatsApp: works well for lower bandwidth areas.

  • Telegram: also great for low bandwidth areas.

  • Whereby: unlimited time for one-on-one meetings.

2.0.3 Collaborative Notes

We’ll be using Google Docs for our Cohort calls. For your 1:1 mentorship meeting notes, you’re welcome to use any collaborative note tools.

  • Google Docs: To use Google Docs for your mentorship meetings, please create a doc in your Google Drive folder. You can make a copy of the template we provide.

  • Hack.md: This is an accessible option and have Markdown format for the text. You can integrate with GitHub.

  • Etherpad format: this is another accesible option with Markdown format for the text and don’t need an account from users. The cons is that it only available for some time (you can configure how many days from a list of options).

2.0.4 Scheduling Tools

We use tools to agree on what day and time we will meet. Perhaps for you, it is easier to agree by email, but here are a list of tool that can help on this task (specially because time zones can be very tricky)

  • When2meet: it is free, allows you to choose a day and time interval and create a link to fill the pool. You can say yes or no. It is not screen reader accessible.

  • Doodle: the free version shows ads. It is screen reader accessible. You choose what day and times you can use, and it provides a third option, which is “Maybe”. It is screen reader accessible.

  • Calendly: you can link your calendar with Calendly and provide a link to other people to choose a day and time in your agenda. It is free for only one type of event. It also provides a pool option. Have a 40 spot limit and it is not screen reader accessible.

  • Google Calendar: if you have a business plan, you can offer spots on your agenda for people to book with you.

  • Time and date: for checking time zones and calculate dates and times.

  • World Time Buddy: for checking time zones and calculate dates and times.

2.0.5 Code of Conduct

rOpenSci is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free experience for everyone. We have a Code of Conduct that includes the reporting guidelines for reinforcing our CoC. Alternatively, you may email ‘conduct@ropensci.org’, which will go to the Committee members.

2.0.6 Outreach and Contributions

In the second part of the year, the champions will plan and carry out outreach activities in their local communities.

These activities can be workshops, talks, participation in events and conferences, blog posts or interviews. They can be organized with institutions, communities, user groups and local and regional organizations, indeed, it is highly desirable that they be organized in this way!.

Of course these activities can be within the range of contribution possibilities that rOpenSci already has such as Community Calls, co-working session, the rOpenSci blog post and translations.

These resources can help you see what kinds of contributions and participations can be made in rOpenSci and with these ideas plan the outreach activity for the program:

  • Tip Sheet: This Tip Sheet has a summary of the different ways to contribute to and participate in rOpenSci.

  • Contribution Guide: this book has more details, links, materials and examples of each way to participate in our community.

  • Blog Guide: this book explain how to contribute a blog post for the rOpenSci Website.